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Communicating Student Learning

Communicating Student Learning | MyEducation and Spaces

In 2016, the BC Ministry of Education and Child Care began implementing the redesigned provincial curriculum (BC’s Course Curriculum and Orientation Guide), which was developed to help students prepare for our ever-changing world. The redesigned curriculum is flexible, student centred, focuses on literacy, numeracy, and the First Peoples Principles of Learning, and supports deeper learning through concept-based and competency-driven education.


The shift in curriculum required a corresponding change to student reporting policies and practices, which is why the new BC Ministry of Education and Child Care K-12 Student Reporting Policy was developed. This policy brings assessment and reporting in line with the redesigned curriculum, while also creating consistency across the province. The BC K-12 Student Reporting Policy has taken time to develop and has involved extensive consultation and engagement with rightsholders, education partners, teachers, parents, caregivers, students, and the public. Its full implementation was in September 2023. A brief information sheet about the changes can be found here.  You can also access more information on the Ministry’s website.


In order to comply with the new BC K-12 Student Reporting Policy, we have made changes to how we communicate with families and caregivers in School District 46 – Sunshine Coast. To ensure effective communication and alignment with the policy, we are using MyEducation and Spaces as our primary platforms for sharing student learning.  We are confident that together these platforms greatly enhance our ability to communicate learning and growth effectively and provide a more comprehensive picture of a child’s learning journey. You can review the SD46 MyEducation and Spaces Notice HERE.


We extend our appreciation to teachers, who have demonstrated dedication and innovation in learning. Their commitment has been instrumental in making this transition and transformation a success.

Experiencing a Spaces Issue?

Spaces has technical experts available to help teachers, students, and parents/caregivers. To contact Spaces, you can email them at They usually have a very quick response time.

B.C. Reporting on Student Learning

SD46 Elementary Reporting Timeline 24 - 25

SD46 Secondary Reporting Timeline 24 - 25

Provincial Assessments

Click HERE to learn more!

Proficiency Scales Explained

SD46 Communicating Student Learning Webinar Recording for Families

Spaces Information Session for Families Recording

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