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This page is an overview of the district’s communications tools to support the district in public and media relations, visual identity management, internal communications, and promotions. We are here to help equip staff in SD46 departments and schools to communicate professionally, clearly, and consistently. If you have any questions or need any assistance in this regard, please contact the district communications officer.

Stephanie Murawsky, Communications Officer.

Phone: 604.886.4489

Media requests for interviews, photos/video, information or access to School District 46 – Sunshine Coast staff, students, or facilities should be directed to Stephanie Murawsky, Communications Officer.

Phone: 604.886.4489

Please note that email is the most effective method of contact for initial requests. If you are leaving a voicemail, please ensure to include the date and time of your call, the nature of your request and your deadline.

For more about our media protocols, please refer to Regulation 2040 – Communication Through the Media.

Sharing great news stories is what we love to do! Storytelling is a strategic way to highlight SD46’s rich offerings, and to build awareness in the community. We want to tell – and share – stories in the following areas: students, partners, schools, programs, and staff. Share your story ideas with us in one of three ways:

  1. Submit an Event: If you are hosting a district or school event that you want promoted, especially when it is open to a wider audience, please submit a PDF of the flyer and/or details to
  2. Submit a Story: If you have a story idea for us, please email a brief description to  and include pictures (with media consent).
  3. Tell the Story: We encourage schools to tell their own stories, using their school websites and their social media platforms. The district will happily re-share your stories from its own platforms. If you need support on school websites or social media, please contact  *Don’t forget to tag @SD46SC on your Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook posts!

SD46 FOI Brochure | FOI Access Request Form

What is the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act?

The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act is a law that came into effect in British Columbia in 1993. The Act provides individuals with specific information and privacy rights with regards to information that is collected or controlled by public bodies in British Columbia.

What are my information and privacy rights under the Act?

You have two major rights under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act:

• the right of access to records in the custody or under the control of a public body, including your own personal information, and;

• the right of protection of the privacy of your personal information in the custody or under the control of a public body.

You also have several related rights, such as the right to request correction of your personal information if you think it is inaccurate, and the right to ask the Information and Privacy Commissioner to investigate if you think your rights are not being upheld.

What are “public bodies?”

Public bodies include most provincial government, local government, and self-governing professional bodies in British Columbia. They are ministries, agencies, boards, and crown corporations; hospitals, municipalities, regional districts, municipal police, school districts, universities, and colleges; and numerous professional bodies, such as the British Columbia College of Teachers, the College of Physicians and Surgeons, and the Law Society of British Columbia. The Act does not apply to private businesses or associations.

What is “personal information?”

Personal information is any recorded information that uniquely identifies you, such as your name, address, telephone number, age, sex, race, religion, sexual orientation, disability, fingerprints, or blood type. It also includes your health care, educational, financial, criminal, or employment history and anyone else’s opinions about you or your own views or opinions.

Are there any exceptions to my information and privacy rights under the Act?

Yes. If you are requesting records from a public body, you will not get access to Cabinet confidences, someone else’s personal information, or information that could harm another individual’s business interests. You also will not generally get access to records that could harm law enforcement, the economic or financial interests of a public body, other individuals, or the public Further, although you can expect a public body to protect the privacy of your personal information, it has the authority to release your information to others in certain circumstances, such as for law enforcement or to protect someone else’s health or safety.

How do I exercise my rights?

If you want access to records in the custody or under the control of a public body, you may request them directly from the public body. If you are concerned about a public body’s protection of the privacy of your personal information, you should contact them directly to share your concerns. If you are dissatisfied with how a public body responds to your request or your concerns, you have the right to ask the Information and Privacy Commissioner to investigate.

Requesting Records How do I request records from the School District?

Write to the FOI Officer of School District 46 or complete a “Request Form” at the school board office. Describe the records as clearly and completely as possible and request access to them. Normally, a public body must respond to your request within 30 days. If a public body needs additional time to respond, it must tell you so and explain why. It also must tell you when you can expect its full response. You have the right to request a review of a public body’s extension of time to the Information and Privacy Commissioner.

What kind of response can I expect?

If the school district does not have the records you requested, it will tell you and may transfer or refer your request to the public body that does. If the school district does have the records you requested, it may release all or parts of them to you. If the school district refuses to release all or parts of records to you, it must tell you why. It also must tell you that you have the right to request a review of its decision by the Information and Privacy Commissioner within 30 days.

Does it cost money to request records?

The school district cannot charge you for access to your own personal information. It may, however, charge you for access to non-personal information if it takes more than three hours to find or prepare the records for release. It also may charge you for the cost of copying and sending records to you. If the school district intends to charge a fee for records, it must first give you a fee estimate. You have the right to ask the Information and Privacy Commissioner to review a decision to require a fee.

Fees for Access Requests

Section 75 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act permits the school district to assess and charge a fee for certain costs associated with responding to access requests.

The Act outlines the maximum fees that can be charged for the following;

  • Locating, retrieving and producing the record
  • Preparing the record for disclosure
  • Shipping and handling the record
  • Providing a copy of the record

If fees are determined, the requestor will be notified in writing of any estimated costs in advance of the preparation of records. Many records are available on the district website without the need for a formal request.

Requesting a Review

What is a request for review?

A request for review is an appeal to the Information and Privacy Commissioner about a public body’s decision about records. Under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, the Commissioner may review any decision, act, or failure to act of a public body relating to a request for records. This includes decisions about the release of records, corrections to records, time extensions, and fees.

How do I request a review?

Write to the Commissioner’s Office within 30 days of receiving a public body’s written decision about records and ask the Commissioner to review it. Attach a copy of your original request to the public body and a copy of the public body’s response to you.

Office of the Information and Privacy

Commissioner for British Columbia

4th Floor, 947 Fort Street

PO Box 9038 Stn. Prov. Govt.

Victoria, British Columbia V8W 9A4

Telephone: (250) 387-5629


For more information on the Protection of Privacy and the Act in School District 46 – Sunshine Coast contact:

Freedom of Information Officer

School District 46 – Sunshine Coast 

 494 South Fletcher Rd, PO Box 220
Gibsons, BC V0N 1V0

T: (604) 886-8811

F: (604) 886-4652


  • External Access: Partner, media, and designer access to the district suite of logos and fonts and requests-for-use can be obtained by contacting Stephanie Murawsky, Communications Officer. Phone: 604.886.4489. Email:
  • Internal Access: District staff can access the suite of logos and branded templates on the district’s internal SharePoint site, SD46 Engage! on the Ed Leadership, SBO, and Admin/Clerical Sites: Communications and Visual Identity folders. Please contact Stephanie Murawsky or your department manager/school principal for access and permissions, if required.
  • External Access: Partner, media, and designer access to the suite of logos and requests-for-use for specific schools can be obtained by contacting the school principal.
  • Internal Access: District staff can access the suite of logos and branded templates on the district’s internal SharePoint site, SD46 Engage! on the Ed Leadership, SBO, and Admin/Clerical Sites: Communications and Visual Identity folders. Please contact Stephanie Murawsky or your department manager/school principal for access and permissions, if required.
  • Quick Guide to School Logos and Colour Palettes: