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Superintendent’s Report to the Board | December 2023

Circle of Care: Students Strategic Planning Student Forum Grades 7-12: On December 8th, a dynamic workshop was held at Chatelech Secondary, bringing together over 80 students and staff from across the district. This gathering aimed to incorporate student perspectives in shaping the new strategic plan. (1a) Gender Neutral Washrooms: Gender neutral bathrooms at Elphinstone Secondary

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Superintendent’s Report to the Board | November 2023

Circle of Care: Students Terry Fox Runs: Schools in the district had Terry Fox Runs in the last few weeks. The way our students, staff, and families joined in shows just how much our learning community cares. A big thank you to everyone who ran, helped out, and kept Terry’s spirit of hope and determination

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Superintendent’s Report to the Board | October 2023

Circle of Care: Students Grade 7 Leadership Program: More than 40 students district-wide have shown interest in the innovative Grade 7 Leadership initiative created in partnership with United Way BC and Sunshine Coast Community Schools. Open to all Grade 7 students, this program aims to foster connections among peers, providing opportunities to learn about leadership

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Superintendent’s Report to the Board | September 2023

Circle of Care: Students 2023-24 Student Trustee: We are thrilled to welcome Cael Read to the Board of Education as the student trustee for the 2023-24 school year. Cael is the 11th student trustee in the district’s history and is a member of the District Student Leadership Team. Cael attends Elphinstone Secondary in his grade

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Superintendent’s Report to the Board | June 2023

Circle of Care: Students DSLT Secondary Spirit Week: Secondary schools were brought closer together through an incredible initiative by the District Student Leadership Team—Spirit Week, held from May 29th to June 2nd! The week was filled with fantastic themes for each day, igniting excitement and creativity among students and staff. Monday embraced medieval vibes, immersing

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Superintendent’s Report to the Board | May 2023

Circle of Care: Students DSLT Student Spring Forum: Secondary students from across the Sunshine Coast gathered recently at Chatelech Secondary school for the annual District Student Leadership Team Spring Student Forum. This event brings students, trustees, district leaders, and school administrators together to discuss important topics and initiatives affecting students across the district. It was

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