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Superintendent’s Update: 09/11

Dear families of Sunshine Coast students,

            I am very pleased to welcome everyone back to a new school year! Our staff have worked very hard to prepare our schools for a highly successful learning experience for your children in each of the options that we have available. I appreciate that for some of our families the choice of options is difficult as they weigh the many important and interwoven components in their lives. If you have any questions regarding your child’s education, please contact your school principal. 

Here is a brief timeline for the next few weeks of this new year.

Monday, September 14th 

  • Kindergarten gradual entry begins. 
  • In class learning begins for students at school, Kindergarten to Grade 12.
  • The First Elementary District-prepared Learning package will be emailed to “Option 2 – transitions” families from their elementary schools.
  • Secondary schools will inform families regarding ‘Option 2 Transition – Secondary Student’ supports and return date options. 
  • Regular school bus schedules resume. Parents of registered riders will have received confirmation emails with their stop information. 

Monday, September 21st

  • Families who registered for Option 3 ( will be contacted to set up a meeting with a Sunshine Coast Online teacher to plan the learning program with parents and students.

Tuesday, September 29th (Monday, September 28th is a Pro D Day)

  • Elementary “Transitions” students may choose to return to school.
  • District-prepared Elementary Learning package #2 will be emailed to “Option 2- transitions” families from their elementary schools.

Tuesday, October 13th (Monday, October 12th is Thanksgiving Day)

  • Elementary “Transitions” students may choose to return to school.
  • District-prepared Learning package #3 will be emailed to “Option 2 – transitions” families from their elementary schools.

Program Options Details:

Option 1: Remain Registered/Register in the home school as always.  This is the regular return to school option. 

Option 2: Remain Registered/Register in the home school as always.  It is our hope that all of our Option 2 students will be back in school by November. This short-term option will be supported with grade appropriate materials developed by a district team (for elementary students) or by the school (for secondary students) that parents will use to support their children’s learning. Elementary Principals will check in with Option 2 families every two weeks. Secondary Principals will inform Option 2 families of their return date options. 

For clarity under Option 2, the classroom teacher is not overseeing the educational program as they will be focused on students at school. Grade appropriate materials linked directly to the BC Curriculum will be provided for you until your child resumes full time classroom learning. If you think that your child will not return to school you may wish to consider Option 3 – distance learning. 

Please note that Option 2 is not a year-long, part time program;it is a short-term program for families who would prefer some more time before resuming in-classroom learning.

Option 3– Distance/On-line Learning:  Remain Registered/Register in the home school as always and indicate your preference to your school principal. Under this option your child will be welcome at the same school in September, 2021 even if they are a cross boundary student. If you choose Sunshine Coast Online, option 3, please let your child’s principal know, and register your child at (K to Grade 9 students register under Sunshine Coast Online, Grades 10 – 12 students register under the SPIDER Secondary program).

Additional Support Documents: 

Best wishes to all of our students and their families for a healthy and positive school year.



Patrick Bocking  

Superintendent of Schools

School District 46 – Sunshine Coast
