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SD46 September Restart Plan

SD46 September Restart Plan

Health and Safety:

1. Provide a copy of your district’s updated health and safety plan that implements the Public Health Guidance for K-12 Schools and WorkSafeBC guidelines.

2. Indicate the date when your district’s health and safety committee became/will be operational.

  • The Health and Safety Plan will be operational by the end of the day on September 11th when staff and students have been trained.

3. Provide a summary of the updates made to your district’s plan in the following areas:

• Cleaning and disinfecting

• Physical distancing strategies

• Hand hygiene

• Personal protective equipment for students and staff (including re-useable masks)

• Symptom assessment and illness policies/procedures

• Improvements to school ventilation systems, if required

• Student transportation on buses

  • Physical Distancing strategies: extra space will be utilized where possible for student learning; signage on the walls and floors will be used to direct movement in halls, line up for entry into the building, access to office, etc; school schedules will be adapted to minimize numbers of staff and students in common areas at one time; occupancy limits for rooms will be posted;
  • Movement of students in elementary schools will be limited to ensure that they stay in the same desk/seat for the duration of the day, where feasible.
  •  Twice daily disinfection of high-touch surfaces and desks/tables that are used by multiple individuals during the day will be maintained.
  •  Additional custodial staff will be hired in order to complement existing staff
  • Sanitization stations at all building entrances
  • Additional hand-washing stations to allow elementary students who are located in portables to have increased access to hand cleaning with soap and water
  • Additional cleaning required of school bus contractor to adhere to provincial guidelines
  • HVAC systems being adjusted to provide as much fresh air as possible, along with additional ventilation before and after classes
  • Issuing re-usable masks and ensuring that disposable masks are available on buses and in classes in the event that staff or students arrive without masks

4. Outline the schedule for health and safety training and orientation of school district staff, including new employees and staff who work at multiple sites and/or across multiple cohorts in a school (e.g. counsellors, learning assistants, prep teachers, Education Assistants).

Training and Orientation: 
  • August 13 was the first meeting with CUPE to begin review of new Covid-19 requirements; 
  • August 18, 25, 26 review and planning of Health and Safety plans with district management team and principals; 
  • September 01 review of plans with the district health and safety committee; September 3, 4 online training for staff new to the district; 
  • September 8 training for all staff at worksites; itinerant staff to report to their main school site or a site to be determined by their manager or HR

Learning Groups:

1. Provide examples of your district’s approach to the implementation of learning groups in schools and during non-instructional time.

a. Include examples for elementary, middle, and secondary schools as well as small, medium and large schools where different approaches are required.

b. Outline any shifts in curriculum, course access, or course scheduling, as well as actions taken to mitigate the impacts to students of any changes and ensure equity.

  • Elementary schools will be using traditional classrooms as the Learning Group model during instructional and non-instructional time.
  • Secondary schools will be using semestered courses with single grade cohorts where possible and assigned seating; physical distancing and/or masks will be employed where students or staff may work in classes outside of their cohort; breaks and movement within the school will be controlled so that the minimum number of staff and students will be in common areas at one time; entry/exit points to buildings will be changed for cohort groups; areas of the schools will be dedicated to specific cohort groups at certain times (halls or meeting rooms/ gathering points like the Chatelech foyer)

2. Describe how your district is organizing its workforce to balance the delivery of instruction for learning groups and physical distancing strategies for adults who are interacting with cohorts (e.g. staff who work at multiple sites, on call, itinerant) and across multiple cohorts in a school (e.g. counsellors, learning assistants, prep teachers, Education Assistants, teacher-librarians).

  • EAs will be assigned to single cohorts where possible; additional or alternative spaces will be used for learning assistants/counseling to increase physical distancing where possible; physical barriers (plexiglass) will be utilized when necessary for teacher-librarians
  • TTOCs and Support staff on call will be grouped to a certain school or family of schools

3. Describe your district’s plan to ensure continuity of learning in the event of a switch in stages as well as to ensure continuity of learning for any students who need to self-isolate or quarantine.

  • Secondary schools will continue to support the use of online platforms for all school courses/programs starting in September (Google Classroom). Students who are required to self-isolate or quarantine will be supported as is noramlly done for students who are ill for this length of time by providing reasonable work materials and guidance. Elementary schools will be prepared to switch to lower density models through scheduling changes. Learning groups will be appropriate for stage 3 and 4 already and not need to change.

Students with Diverse Abilities/Disabilities:

1. In alignment with the Equity and Inclusion Guiding Principles, describe how your district is planning for students with diverse abilities/disabilities ensuring students and communicating to parents on the following, to ensure students will:

• be able to attend school full time or have a plan to ensure supports and learning continue if a student needs to learn at home

• have access to the necessary health and safety supports

• continue to receive supports and services as identified in their IEP, including 1:1 supports

• not be grouped in segregated settings as a part of the establishment of cohorts

  • Schools will be reaching out to students with diverse abilities/disabilities individually to ensure a collaborative plan is created with the family and outside supports.  In the spring plans for our students were created through our Vulnerable Learning Process and Plan and we will use this documentation and process to provide continuity of learning for our students as they return to school in the fall.
  • Students with diverse abilities/disabilities may need different and individualized orientation plans to return to school, and these plans will be prioritized.  
  • All of our students will have access to the necessary health and safety supports based on their individual needs.  As part of our planning with family and outside supports, health and safety will be a corner stone of that plan. 
  • We will be prioritizing mental health supports for our students as part of their plans, not just their medical supports.
  • Students will continue to receive the supports necessary to meet their IEP goals in our schools, but also, if their health profile indicates that they cannot attend we will provide supports remotely.
  • Students will be placed in learning cohorts with their peers.  In some cases where there are health reasons a student may have a smaller cohort if it is necessary for their health and safety.

Communication and Engagement:

1. Provide a copy of, link to, or summary of, your district’s overall communication plan.

Engagement with Indigenous People:

1. Describe your district’s engagement process with Indigenous peoples in developing the Stage 2 plan and the plan for ongoing engagement.

  • Communication from district and schools directly with Indigenous families as information has come from the Ministry.  Families invited to contact Superintendent, school principal, and/or District Principal of Indigenous Learning with questions or concerns.  shishalh Nation families can also and have been contacting the shishalh Nation Director of Education with questions or concerns and those have been and will continue to be shared with District Principal of Indigenous Learning and Superintendent.
  • Communication about Ministry and district updates directly with shishalh Nation Director of Education, including ongoing invitation to collaborate on plans – open back and forth about questions and concerns.
  • Communication with District Indigenous Education Advisory Circle members regarding Ministry information and regarding district, school and program plans as they develop.  Invitation to collaborate on plans – open back and forth about questions and concerns.
  • Ongoing engagement will include:
    • regular, direct communication and consultation with Indigenous families as planning and implementation evolves;
    • series of meetings with shishalh Nation Director of Education as well as Chief and members of council as planning and implementation evolves;
    • information sharing and consultation with the District Indigenous Education Advisory Circle members as planning and implementation evolves.
    • Indigenous Learning staff will check in with and consult students and families during September 8th orientation week and school start-up week.  This with a view to responding quickly to concerns or to student needs.

2. Outline your district’s consultation with local First Nations rights holders in developing the Stage 2 plan – particularly First Nations with whom the district has a Local Education Agreement and First Nations with students in the district.

  • The school district does not presently have a Local Education Agreement with the shishalh Nation. However the long standing relationship between the Nation and the district is supporting ongoing engagement and communication with the shishalh Nation Director of Education and members of her team as the Ministry information and plans were released and as school district planning began. Based on the ongoing invitation for input on planning, shishalh Nation Director of Education, on behalf of Chief and Council, communicated on August 10 that, while some shishalh families are comfortable with Stage 2 plans, out of concern about COVID-19 some shishalh Nation families are not comfortable returning to in-class instruction in September/likely this school year. The shishalh Nation Director of Education, on behalf of Chief and Council asked the School District to provide alternatives for families and proposed the alternatives. Presently working/partnering with shishalh Nation to explore and create alternatives that are within our joint capabilities and resources. The District Indigenous Education Advisory Circle members will be consulted directly – and a special meeting will be held for consultation and feedback as planning and implementation evolves.

3. What modifications to the plan, if any, did your district make based on feedback from Indigenous partners and/or local First Nations?

  • The District Indigenous Education Advisory Circle is supportive of the district plan as it is evolving.
  • The input from the shishalh Nation is shaping the planning for shishalh families from the start. Planning is still in process.
  • Specifically, at the shishalh Nation’s request, we are partnering on ways to allocate collective staffing and resources, as well as access to learning technology, in order to support alternative learning programs for families who are choosing to keep their children home due to medical or safety concerns related to COVID-19. The programming will include ways in which Language and Culture – and land-based learning – can take place. The program will include ways to provide support to students with Special Needs.


1. Outline the collaboration process that occurred with local unions in developing the district’s restart plan. What is the process for continued consultation and collaboration during the school year?

  • Our dialogue has been ongoing. Formal invitations to dialogue were sent on July 29th to the SCTA and CUPE-801. In person meetings and regular emails continue. Draft of this plan was sent to locals the day before submission. Meetings continue as formal Labour Management meetings and as needed. We appreciate the cooperative support from the our locals as well as their dedicated advocacy on behalf of their members. Their voice is critical to our success.

Parents, Guardians, and Caregivers:

1. Outline the engagement process that occurred with your District Parent Advisory Council (DPAC) in the development of your Stage 2 Plan.

  • The District surveyed all parents in June of 2020. This information has been very helpful in developing our plans and particularly in considering the concerns of our parent community.
  • The DPAC chair and Superintendent met on August 17th to review the parent perspective. DPAC will meet on Tuesday, September 1st for further information and dialogue.
  • Family Engagement Committee (Staff/ Parents/ DPAC Chair) meets every second month throughout the year.

2. Describe any additional engagement directly with parents/guardians/caregivers and Parent Advisory Councils (PACs) at the school level that occurred in developing your Stage 2 Plan. Describe the summary of feedback received.

  • School PACs continued the dialogue and feedback during the spring of the 2019/ 2020 school year. PACs will continue through the fall with their regularly scheduled meetings.
  • Dialogue with Principals/ PACs and members of their learning communities is ongoing.
  • Many district parents completed a June survey reflecting on the previous three months. The range was wide in responses to questions of academic growth, impact on families, support from schools, communication and more. Some had reservations of how learning was provided, most were content and many were very pleased with the support from teachers and support staff. A number of families indicated concerns for their children and family’s mental health during the spring.

3. Describe the process for continued consultation and collaboration with the DPAC, PACs and parents during the school year.

  • DPAC meets monthly with the Superintendent and a Trustee representative. PACS meet (usually) monthly as well. Superintendent reports are sent out via newsletter monthly. Superintendent letters to families sent out as needed; they were sent weekly during the spring of 2020. Parents are encouraged consistently to reach out to their child’s teacher, principal or superintendent if they have any questions/ concerns about their child’s education. SD46 website ( has a COVID-19 section with all information provided and updated consistently. School Websites all link directly to the district website. August 13th: Superintendent’s letter to the community inviting and responding to all questions as they come in.


1. Describe any transportation arrangements your district has in place to get students, including First Nations and students with diverse abilities/disabilities, to school.

  • Additional cleaning required of school bus contractor to adhere to provincial guidelines
  • Bus drivers will wear masks and, in some cases, face shields
  • Families will be asked to make alternative travel arrangements wherever possible, in order to reduce the number of riders and allow for greater spacing between students. 
  • Bus routes will be reviewed to limit the number of riders from different sites at one time, wherever possible
  • Courtesy rides for most riders will be restricted, except;
  • Pending further consultation, the District will continue to offer courtesy rides for students who reside on selected Sechelt Indian Government District lands 
  • Wherever possible, students will be loaded back-to-front and unloaded front-to-back 
  • Attendance will be taken of registered riders in mid-September, with the intent to de-register registered riders who do not require the service and assign consistent seats as soon as possible. 
  • Schools will organize riders waiting for pickup to promote adequate physical distancing, wherever possible. 
  • Active transportation options will be promoted and supported by schools, in collaboration with PACs. 

2. Describe the consultation process in developing the plan as well as how BC Tripartite Education Agreement obligations are being met.

  • The school district has been informed by the Ministry that, as a unique self-governing Nation, the shishalh Nation is not included in the Transportation section of the BC Tripartite Education Agreement. However, transportation for shishalh Nation students will be provided – as per the overall district plan.


For answers to frequently asked questions regarding our September Restart Plan, visit:
