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Cross-boundary Application

Cross Boundary Application

This form is to be used for Sunshine Coast students whose parents / legal guardians maintain primary residence within the boundaries of School District 46 and who are seeking to attend a school other than their designated attendance school.


The deadline for cross boundary transfer requests will be 3:30 PM on the last instructional day in March of each school year. Applications received after the deadline will be accepted or rejected based on available space as of the end of the first school week in September.


Applications should be received at the school your child is currently attending or if new to the school system, your neighbourhood school.

School busing will not be provided for cross boundary transfer students.


Guidelines may be revised in Administrative Regulation 4130.


School catchment area maps


School Finder | Catchment Area Tool 


Current elementary schools that are CLOSED for Cross-Boundary are:

  • Halfmoon Bay
  • Davis Bay (with the exception of NEST students)
  • Gibsons
  • Roberts Creek


All SECONDARY SCHOOLS and Elementary Schools NOT listed above are OPEN for limited cross boundary applications. 


SD46 Cross Boundary Transfer Application

Click Here to Download PDF Printable Copy

This form is to be used for Sunshine Coast students whose parents / legal guardians maintain primary residence within the boundaries of School District No. 46 and who are seeking to attend a school other than their designated attendance school.

The deadline for cross boundary transfer requests will be 3:30 PM on the last instructional day in March of each school year. Applications received after the deadline will be accepted or rejected based on available space as of the end of the first school week in September.

Student Information