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Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy (PT) in schools focuses on supporting students with motor skill or mobility challenges. The PT collaborates with school teams, including teachers and other professionals, to ensure that students have the necessary support to participate fully in their educational experience. Through screening, assessment, staff training, program planning, and equipment recommendations, the PT helps maximize students’ functional independence at school.

The primary role of the PT in schools is to provide collaborative consultation with school teams. This involves working closely with teachers, administrators, and other professionals to understand students’ specific motor skill or mobility challenges. By collaborating with the school team, the PT can gather valuable information about students’ needs and develop appropriate strategies to support their physical development and participation in school activities.

Screening and assessment are critical components of physical therapy in schools. The PT conducts screenings to identify students who may benefit from further assessment and intervention. These screenings may involve observing students’ movement patterns, balance, coordination, and overall physical abilities. Following the screening process, the PT conducts comprehensive assessments to gather detailed information about students’ strengths and areas for improvement.

Based on the assessment results, the PT develops individualized intervention plans for students. These plans outline specific goals, strategies, and activities to address students’ motor skill or mobility challenges. The PT collaborates with teachers and other school professionals to implement these plans and monitor students’ progress over time. By regularly reviewing and adjusting the intervention plans, the PT ensures that students receive ongoing support to meet their physical development goals.

In addition to direct intervention, the PT also provides staff training to support the implementation of strategies and accommodations in the classroom. This training helps teachers and other school staff understand students’ needs and learn how to effectively support their motor skill or mobility challenges. By equipping school staff with the knowledge and skills to address these challenges, the PT promotes a supportive and inclusive learning environment for all students.

Specialized equipment may be recommended by the PT to maximize a student’s functional independence at school. This can include assistive devices, such as walkers or wheelchairs, that help students move around the school environment safely and efficiently. The PT works closely with the student, their family, and the school team to ensure that the recommended equipment is appropriate and properly utilized to meet the student’s specific needs.

In conclusion, physical therapy in schools plays a vital role in supporting students with motor skill or mobility challenges. Through collaborative consultation with school teams, screenings, assessments, staff training, program planning, and equipment recommendations, the PT helps maximize students’ functional independence at school. By addressing students’ specific needs and providing ongoing support, physical therapy promotes their participation and success in the educational setting.


For more infomation regarding Physical Therapy in SD46 please contact Inclusion Support Services at 604-885-6782