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Sunshine Coast Alternative School (SCAS)

Sunshine Coast Alternative School (SCAS)

At SCAS, our purpose is to provide learner-centred programs that assist children and youth in developing the knowledge, skills and competencies  necessary to build a healthy community. We welcome individual differences within an atmosphere of mutual respect and co-operation.


The Sunshine Coast Alternative School consists of a number of self-contained programs located at different sites along the coast. These are district programs that provide placements for students through School Based Team referrals as well as considering both school, and self or family requests.


Students are referred to district programs by a student’s home school schools when students’ educational needs, emotional or behavioural difficulties prevent their home school from being able to provide an educational program. Students may self-request when his/her educational needs require alternative paths from the regular school environment.


In addition to those staff in each of the programs the following personnel support the whole school, including; Inclusion Support Teachers, Counsellors; Career Preparation Teacher; Indigenous Education Support Teacher; Fine Arts Teacher; Teacher Librarian, Administration Assistant,  Office Assistant and the District Inclusion Support Team.


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