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Message from the Chair – May 2024

In June we focus on our value of celebration and there are many opportunities to practice and demonstrate our value of celebration this month. One of the celebrations that has become increasingly important during my time on the Board is Pride. And June is Pride month!

Submitted by Chair Amanda Amaral

May 8, 2024

May brings us into the final phase of our strategic planning journey and so close to the completed 2024-2029 strategic plan. At this time last year, we were just at the beginnings of imagining how we would move forward to create a new strategic plan. We decided that we were going to intentionally slow down the planning process and allow for each phase of the planning time to mature and reveal its wisdom. Along the way we have learned so much and have confirmed that we have made the right decision to move forward with steady intention. Sunshine Coast Learning Community, we hope the feeling is mutual and that you too have learned while we journey in developing this plan together.

The creation of the one aspirational student learning goal and action plan has arguably been the most anticipated part of the process. In other plans the board remained highly involved in reviewing the data, crafting the goals and writing the plans; however, this time the process involved passing authorship of the plan off to others. We wanted the plan to be co-created and to be an authentic partnership; to achieve this we needed to let go and allow others an opportunity to contribute.

With the creation of the writing team, a dedicated group of staff and parents, we handed off the values, mission, vision and affirmation to write an aspiration student learning goal and the action plan for its achievement. Engaging the writing team to create a plan based on our values, mission, vision and affirmation is similar to what happens when the board makes a motion; the board sets the direction and staff implement and operationalize the direction. In so many ways it makes perfect sense that those who will be doing this work daily are authoring the plan, and that the board steps aside in this phase.

Writing team: we are in awe of the plan you have produced. It firmly sets us on a new path and, because of this, your work will have impact far beyond the five years of this strategic plan. The gift of your time, wisdom and passion is cherished and we are delighted to have found such a powerful partnership in the Sunshine Coast learning community. It was incredible to learn how much we are aligned in our approach, pedagogy and philosophy.

The Board thanks all the members of the writing team who courageously stepped forward to partner with us. Your work to create a recommendation for an aspirational student learning goal and the action plan for achieving that goal is treasured. You are our champions and your work has inspired us to journey on towards successfully achieving our vision and mission, and living our values and affirmation daily.

Amanda Amaral 

