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Joint SOGI Letter

PDF Version of Joint SOGI Letter

September 20, 2023


RE: Letter of Support for 2SLGBTQIA+ Students, Staff and Families


In School District 46, we, the Board of Education, in collaboration with the Sunshine Coast Teachers’ Association (SCTA) and CUPE 801, issue this joint statement to affirm our unwavering support for inclusivity, diversity, and the promotion of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity rights within our educational community.


What we will promise is to continue to promote an inclusive environment where each student and staff member has the assurance of full participation. Where dignity and respect are available for each student and staff member and where families are supported to participate in our learning community regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or family status. Our school district stands firmly and proudly to support our 2SLGBTQIA+ community.

Our collective commitment is to provide quality education and ensure a safe environment for students, staff, families, and the community. We recognize the importance of respecting and celebrating the diverse identities and backgrounds of our students and employees. We are committed to establishing school environments where discrimination and harassment rooted in sexual orientation or gender identity have no place.

As an educational system, we witness firsthand the harm caused by anti-2SLGBTQIA+ campaigns. These conversations impact the students, staff, and families who require our support the most. We have made substantial progress in establishing safe spaces in our schools and remain dedicated to ensuring that every student feels a deep sense of belonging. We consistently stand against disinformation aimed at undoing our progress.


Our district’s Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Policy and Regulation, adopted in 2012 and 2020, are intended to ensure our schools provide safe, supportive and respectful learning environments, in alignment with the Canadian Human Rights Act, the British Columbia Human Rights Code, and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom, and the mandate provided by the Ministry of Education and Child Care.


To our 2SLGBTQIA+ students, district staff, and families: we want to affirm our recognition of your presence in our school communities and offer our unwavering support for you. We are dedicated to creating an inclusive environment that fosters your academic, social, and emotional growth while safeguarding your rights and dignity. Our commitment to constructing inclusive spaces and celebrating diversity remains steadfast.





Amanda Amaral (Board Chair), Kate Kerr (Superintendent), Jacquie Shields (SCTA President), and Sharon MacKenzie (CUPE 801 President)   


For media inquiries, please contact:

Stephanie Murawsky 

Executive Assistant to the Superintendent | Communications Officer

T: (604) 886-4489 | C: (604) 989-7879


Social: @SD46SC – FB / X / IG / YouTube

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