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Strategic Plan

Paddling towards irresistible futures!

Message from the Board of Education

The Sunshine Coast Board of Education is thrilled to share our new Strategic Plan and embark on the journey of creating irresistible learning experiences with you. This plan is the culmination of extensive consultation and collaboration with our Learning Community. The co-creation process has confirmed the profound alignment between our Board and the Learning Community, empowering us to achieve success together.


Guided by our vision, mission, affirmation, and values, this Strategic Plan by the Sunshine Coast Board of Education is distinct from previous plans. It emphasizes a single, aspirational student learning goal, centered on essential skills and attributes, and supported by nine learning strands, which direct our daily practices, actions, and efforts.


In This We Journey Together

Evidence and Data

Professional Learning Plan

Learning Plan Research


Enhancing Student Learning on the Sunshine Coast​

The province’s Framework for Enhancing Student Learning brings a formalized approach to the planning and reporting expectations for schools, focusing on enhancing student learning and success. It combines accountability with evidence-informed decision-making and system-wide continuous improvement to support equity of outcomes for all students in the provincial K-12 public school system.


Boards of Education set, create, and maintain a strategic plan, annually report on student outcomes, and put systems in place to continuously improve the educational outcomes for all students and improve equity for Indigenous students, children and youth in care, and students with disabilities or diverse abilities.


Each year, the Board of Education submits to the Minister a report detailing educational outcomes for students and information relating to the district’s continuous improvement for increased student achievement. On September 11, 2024, the Sunshine Coast School District’s Board of Education approved the Sunshine Coast School District 46’s 2023-2024 Enhancing Student Learning Report for submission to the Ministry of Education.