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Charitable Donations


Did you know that School District 46 – Sunshine Coast is a registered charity through the Canadian Customs and Revenue Agency?

School District 46 solicits and receives gifts, donations and bequests which are used to:

  • Provide scholarships and bursaries to deserving students or former students
  • Contribute to any undertaking or acquisition that would benefit or enrich the quality of education in the school district.
  • Fund seminars, workshops, speakers, field trips or projects that create learning opportunities for students
  • Support programs and facilities that will expand opportunities for students and ensure that teaching facilities and equipment remain up-to-date and relevant in the school district.

Additional information is available in our Charitable Giving brochure.

Please visit SD46 Regulation 5020 – Donations for more. 

Donate Now:

Donations are gratefully received by cheque using the following form, by cash at any of our schools, or by e-transfer. For more information on how to send us an e-transfer, please contact

*Please be sure to include your mailing address so that we may send you your charitable tax receipt.