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Chair's Update

Message from the Chair – April 2023

As the board embarks on a review of our current strategic plan I want to reflect on one of our values – ethics, and to ask ourselves what do we mean by the statement that we value ethics? There are many interpretations about the meaning of ethics and ethical behaviour.

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Chair's Update

Message from the Chair – March 2023

SD46 celebrates the contributions that our facilities can make to the community when schools are not in session or are being used by our learners in classrooms. Check out the information presented in our infographic that showcases the dynamic and cohesive contributions made by our schools within the broader community.

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Chair's Update

Message from the Chair – February 2023

In February our focus is inclusion. Many boards across the province have been given the opportunity to articulate how sexual orientation and gender identity fits into the rich and vibrant tapestry of inclusion in our schools. The foundation and strength to support SOGI as part of inclusive practices is the Canadian Human Rights Act, the British Columbia Human Rights Code, and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom, all of which protect sexual orientation and gender identity. In 2012, the Board of Education of School District No. 46 (Sunshine Coast) developed a district specific policy regarding sexual orientation and gender identity.

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Chair's Update

Message from the Chair – January 2023

Being able to welcome students back into our learning community as schedule may seem like a given; however, thinking back only one year we were still deeply impacted by COVID-19. The return to school was delayed by one week and functional closures were looming. Uncertainty was a constant in our planning. I am pleased that we had a calm and peaceful winter break and we have returned to a place where breaks welcome periods of rest and are predictable for our students, staff and community.

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Chair's Update

Message from the Chair – December 2022

In the last year we have seen a transformation in how we understand our affirmation and Truth and Reconciliation. All of our District staff have participated in learning and many staff have led and participated in actions that exemplify Truth and Reconciliation in education in the past year.

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Chair's Update

Message from the Chair – November 2022

A mission statement is a statement about our purpose, it explains why we exist. This is a perfect theme for us to reflect on as the new board sits down for their first regular meeting together. Why are we here and what are we doing?

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