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Welcome Back from Spring Break!

Welcome Back!

 A reminder of some changes to our health and safety protocols.


 It’s your choice!

Wearing a mask is a personal choice. Parents/caregivers will share their preference on mask wearing with their children. Everyone’s choice is supported and will continue to be respected. For those that have travelled outside of Canada, please ensure you follow federal travel guidance, including wearing a well-constructed and well-fitting mask when in public spaces, both indoors and outdoors for 14 days following entry into Canada.


 All visitors on school business will soon be welcome!

Appointments are greatly appreciated.  Starting ~April 4th, any drop-in visitors on school business are welcome. Signing in at the school office is required as always, but there’s no need for visitors/spectators to leave their contact information. Spectators invited to events are welcome at the school/site too.


It’s your choice!

Who you have lunch with is up to you! Although there are no longer any special capacity limits or distance requirements in lunchrooms for students or staff, spreading out from others is encouraged.  Of course, anyone’s choice to maintain distance will be supported and respected.


In classrooms, the layout of desks will be determined by the teacher – so they can get creative!  Continuing to spread out makes sense.

In gyms, auditoriums, and other areas, multiple classes and people attending events can come together – for now, at 50% of the space occupancy. This limit will be removed in the coming weeks.

Field Trips

We’re a “go” to go!

Field trips within BC can be planned and enjoyed! This includes daytrips and overnight trips. Proof of vaccination will be lifted in the coming weeks, but some places may still have their own rules that we’ll all need to respect. As always, trips will be planned to be inclusive.

Updated March 28, 2022

PDF document
