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Trustee Blog – What a Year!

What a year 2021 was for SD46! We spent the year setting a foundation for many years to come, even amidst adversity. We were able to:

What a year 2021 was for SD46!

We spent the year setting a foundation for many years to come, even amidst adversity.

We were able to:

✅ Write anti-racism, art in schools & anti-poverty policies
✅ Successfully lobby for 2 separate motions at provincial council to further support mental health prevention and funding 
✅Hire Kate Kerr as our new Superintendent ☆
✅ Lobby for funding at Select Standing Committee, with a specific mention to support food in schools at a provincial level
✅ Navigate in school learning for most of a pandemic
✅ Complete a governance core book study
✅ Continue a 3-year Equity Scan
✅ Adapt processes for meaningful online participation to conduct governance business

Our team has had a busy, yet productive 2021, and we are looking forward to the challenges and successes 2022 has in store for us and the community of SD46

🎊Happy New Year🎉✨🎆

-Submitted by Vice-Chair Maria Hampvent
