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Terry Fox Run

Across the district, students, families and staff have been participating in Terry Fox runs. Not counting this year, Sunshine Coast Schools have organized and participated in 257 Terry Fox runs and raised $157,048.46 for cancer research. (Picture: Gibsons Elementary Terry Fox Run 2019)

Terry Fox is well known to us as an inspirational young man who motivated Canadians to strive for our best in spite of the most challenging of circumstances. By following Terry’s lead, and with the support of the adults around them, our students understand through the shared experience of Terry Fox runs, that they can make a difference in their world.

The mission of our district speaks to each of our students, “realizing their potential as a knowledgeable, confident, and contributing citizen in the global community.”

Student participation in Terry Fox runs in our schools is a great example of our district’s many successes.

Thank you to all of the staff who volunteer their time and energy to this important cause.

“Even if I don’t finish, we need others to continue. It’s got to keep going without me.” Terry Fox

Chatelech Secondary
Roberts Creek Elementary and SPIDER
Roberts Creek Elementary and SPIDER
Roberts Creek Elementary and SPIDER
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