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Superintendent’s Update: 08/13

August 13, 2020

Dear Sunshine Coast Families,

The Ministry has announced that the first week after Labour Day will be devoted to training and orientation first for our staff, and then for our students. We will have some operational guidelines from the Ministry (due to us on August 17th) which will allow us to plan specifically for our students, staff and community. All students will be fully in session by Monday, September 14th.

For further information from the Ministry please see:

On returning to school for “Stage 2”, the Ministry of Education has directed school districts to operate as follows:

  • 100% of students will be welcomed back to in school learning. This means that “remote learning” for students at home will not be supported in the vast majority of cases. Our staff will be fully involved in teaching students in school.
  • Protocols will be in place to ensure that students will normally interact with no more than 60 students and staff in elementary/ 120 students and staff in secondary schools. Anyone outside of these learning groups will be required to maintain 2 metres distance and/ or wear an appropriate face mask. Please note that this is a maximum number to allow for educational programs to continue. Students will continue to learn in classroom settings as they always have.

Please continue to monitor our website ( for updates as we continue to work hard behind the scenes to ensure a safe, smooth and positive return to school in September and email for specific questions. We will respond or direct your question to the person who can best provide an answer. 

I understand that the return to school will invoke a range of feelings and emotions.  I am fully confident that our schools this year will be the warm and caring spaces that they have always been for our students and staff. There will be important and specific health and safety protocols in place for everyone’s safety that we will learn quickly and then I look forward to a positive and successful school year on the Sunshine Coast for all of our students.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we all work through this new reality together.


Patrick Bocking  

Superintendent of Schools
