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Superintendent’s Report to the Board | September 2022

Circle Of Care: Students

  1. 2022-2023 Student Trustee: We are thrilled to welcome Annalisa Achee to the Board of Education as the student trustee for the 2022-2023 school year. Annalisa is the 10th student trustee in the district’s history and is a member of the District Student Leadership Team. Annalisa attends Elphinstone Secondary in her grade 12 year. (1a)
  2. DSLT Retreat: The District Student Leadership Team met at the end of summer for the first ever DSLT Retreat! The day of learning and connection was facilitated by a session with previous trustee and community development consultant Betty Baxter on ‘How to Run a Meeting’ followed by an afternoon walk with Candace Campo titled ‘Spoken Treasures – The History of the Land and the People through Indigenous Eyes’. (1a)
  3. September Start-Up: Students and staff were welcomed back with great joy this week! (1b)
  4. StrongStart, SPARK! and Child Development Classes kick off again this fall! We are looking forward to connecting with families in our community through these core programs. (1b)
  5. The 2022-3 Mental Health in Schools grant funding, in the amount of $55,000, supports mental health and well-being. We will be making plans to apply these funds toward further developing the Mental Health in Schools Strategy which includes trauma informed practice, mental health literacy, well-being, and socio-emotional learning. (1f)
  6. Summer Wrestling News: Congratulations to Sunshine Coast wrestlers Dylan Drope, Ethan Sullivan, and Matt Drope for a summer of glory! Ethan Sullivan won gold and Dylan Drope silver at the BC Summer Games and Matt Drope won silver at the Canada Summer games. (1g)

Circle of Care: Staff

  1. HR Update: Please see below HR Report shared with all staff this month regarding the steps HR is taking going forward this school year.
  2. Ensouling our Schools | Year Two: As we journey forward together into year two of ‘Ensouling our Schools’, we are pleased to be adding new voices, including Monique Gray Smith and continuing this transformative and meaningful work with all staff, students, families and our community. (2a-e)
  3. Ed Leadership Team Summer Session: This annual event brought the district’s leaders together to provide a map of the direction of the province and our district, and to connect this with their learning to their schools and teams. We were also honoured to have Caroline Picard began her work with us in Compassionate Systems Leadership. (2a, 2b, 2d)
  4. School Operations Workshop: This annual event brings the Ed Leadership Team and office administration staff together for a day of learning and connection. This year, Kim Barthel opened the session with a keynote on Trauma Sensitive Practice, MediQuest provided AED and First Aid overview training, and updates from Finance, HR, Communications, Technology, Indigenous Learning rounded out this full day. (2a, 2b, 2d)
  5. Communicating Student Learning (CSL) Launch in SD46: An in-service session is planned for all teachers on September 14th to launch CSL in our district. The session will focus on hearing what’s happening in reporting across the province, and the strategies to support here on the Sunshine Coast. SPACES and MyEd are being launched alongside the new reporting order this year as tools for Communicating Student Learning in our district. (2b, 2d)
  6. 2022 Premier’s Awards for Excellence in Education: Congratulations to SD46 staff being recognized as outstanding finalists in the 2022 Premier’s Awards for Excellence in Education: Elaine Tattrie, teaching assistant, Gibsons Elementary, for Outstanding Support – teaching assistant and Tom Kellough and Sara Douglas, music teachers, (Team 2) Chatelech Secondary for Outstanding Team Collaboration. (2d)

Circle of Care: Community

  1. Ministry Priorities and Focus for 2022-2023 School Year: At the annual BCSSA Conference held this summer, the Ministry laid out their three areas of priority and focus:
      • Reconciliation,
      • Child Care, and;
      • Equity, Anti-Racism & Mental Health in Schools.
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