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Superintendent’s Report to the Board – September 2020

Circle of Care: Students 1. a. Following our district wide survey and reaching out to families this week by phone and email, 75.2% of our students and families have indicated option 1 (Full Time In-Class Learning) and 15.5% of families have chosen Option 2 (Transition Phase). As of the end of last week, we have been unable to connect with approximately 9% of our students so this % will increase as more students/ families indicate their preferences. (1b)

Circle Of Care: Students

  1. Following our district wide survey and reaching out to families this week by phone and email, 75.2% of our students and families have indicated option 1 (Full Time In-Class Learning) and 15.5% of families have chosen Option 2 (Transition Phase). As of the end of last week, we have been unable to connect with approximately 9% of our students so this % will increase as more students/ families indicate their preferences. (1b)
  2. The new SD46 Online (Distributed Learning) program is finalizing details for the families who have chosen this option. (1b)
  3. The district is prioritizing the mental health and well-being of our staff, students and families.  Our Fall plan outlines our direction and provides links for additional supports. (1f)
  4. Secondary schools have developed timetables and procedures to support learning for different stages. Elphinstone Secondary has moved to a term (quarterly) schedule for classes. (1l)

Circle of Care: Staff

  1. Health and Safety plans have been developed for schools and Principals are meeting with their Health and Safety committees to provide orientation for staff and students this week. (2a)
  2. We continue to liaise closely with the Ministry, Public Health and Worksafe to confirm plans and procedures are up to date with the latest information. (2a)

Circle of Care: Community

  1. The ‘Education During CV19 Pandemic: Information, Resources & Supports’ page on the district website has been updated to include a comprehensive frequently asked questions section to help our families make informed decisions. (3a)
  2. DPAC met via ZOOM on September 1st for a special information session regarding the September re-start plan. (3a)
  3. SD46 re-entry videos for Kindergarten students, elementary students and for all families have been shared on our website and social media to help our community prepare for the start of this school year. (3a)
  4. BC Children’s Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre conducted a webinar on Setting Children & Youth up for a Successful Return to School in the Era of COVID-19. The recording is available for families on our website and social media. (3c)