1. Circle Of care: Students
a. Two of our students welcomed their fellow students back to school with a fun radio message! (1a)
b. Our youngest students entering kindergarten begin with an hour a day in small groups. By the end of the second week all students attend full time for the rest of the year. This gradual entry process has been very successful for orienting our students to their educational journey! (1b)
c. The Family Resource Centres begin in 5 locations this week. Parents with preschool children are invited to explore, play and learn in an environment that is friendly, supportive and inspiring! (1b)
d. The BC Children’s Mental Health Literacy Team has selected School District 46 to be one of 5 rural districts interested in working together to improve mental health and wellness in their communities. (1f)
e. Discussions have been launched prior to the end of the last school year on a Local Education Agreement with the Sechelt Indian Band. (1h)
f. The environmental Education Committee will begin its work on the Environmental Action Plan this month. (1i)
g. Two of our Train in Trades began this week: the Professional Cook program at the Elphinstone Cougar Café and the Auto Service Technician program at Chatelech Secondary. (1l)
2. Circle of Care: Staff
a. The BCTF and BCPSEA are currently on a break until September 23rd from mediated talks to develop a new Collective Agreement. We continue to work in a collaborative and positive spirit in our schools. (2a)
b. Professional development programs are continuing to support our staff in delivering their programs. The majority of district and school professional development programs are based on a mixture of expert guidance and collaborative structures for learning together. (2b)
c. Parents will be informed of the Board’s new strategic plan and the new website at DPAC and PAC meetings. (2e)
3. circle of care: Community
a. We are grateful for the partnership of the Sunshine Coast RCMP in all of our schools. Current staffing issues have resulted in the liaison officer position to be unstaffed, but there has been careful planning on their part ensure that our schools have great support. (3b)
b. The Ministry of Education has identified Child and Youth Mental Health as a priority and titled their roadmap as, “Pathways to Hope”. Our district has reached out to the Ministry be a part of this project. (3b)
c. Our schools look fabulous after the summer due to the work of our amazingly dedicated custodians and maintenance staff. (3e)