Circle Of care: Students
- On June 1st, students returned to our schools on an optional attendance basis. Preliminary data indicates that up to 40% of our students in elementary are learning at school for 2 days per week and approximately 20% of our secondary students are learning part time at school. The balance continues to work at home with the support of our teachers, educational assistants and their families. (Most of Circle of Care 1)
- Spillious (Trevana Spilchen) is a spoken word poet and teacher in Delta. On June 10th at 1:00 p.m. she will present to our grade 6 to 12 students and interested staff on Zoom. The discussion will include poems and an introduction to gender diverse language, gender identity, and gender expression. (1c, 1f)
- SD46 partners with child psychiatry to support our students and families. This year staff worked in partnership to support 27 students access this invaluable resource. We look forward to this new initiative continuing for the next school year. (1f)
- Elementary and Secondary Counsellors worked together to provide support, resources and guidance for staff and students returning to school on June 1. (1f)
- June is Pride month! Many of our students, staff, parents/guardians and community members identify as members of the Rainbow or LGBT2SQ+community. Flying the rainbow flag not only signals that our schools are safe spaces for everyone, it also aligns with our Strategic Plan which affirms our values as a district. Pride Month also gives us an opportunity to visibly show support as outlined in our Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Regulation which embraces and upholds the BC Ministry of Education SOGI initiatives. (1f, 2a)
- GradsBC was at Elphinstone Secondary on Saturday, June 6 to film grads, dignitaries and local schools as they put together video tributes to our graduating students to be aired the last week of June. (1l)
Circle of Care: Staff
- Retirement celebrations are necessarily less elaborate this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the need for physical distancing. We will acknowledge our retirees with a gift and written appreciation for their work. We anticipate having the 2020 retirees join with the 2021 retirees for a wonderful celebration next year when we can all be together. (2a)
- Report cards this term will have a message indicating that most of the 2019/ 2020 achievement data refers to students’ performance up to the spring break. Some students have demonstrated additional skills and knowledge during remote learning and this will be reflected in reports as well. (2e)
circle of care: Community
- As part of the BC Children’s Hospital Rural Grant project and in collaboration with the Sunshine Coast Child and Youth Mental Health Substance Use Local Action Team and the SD46 Healthy Schools Committee we have a Pathways to Caredocument to supports students and families by providing a guide of how to access mental health and substance use supports here on the Sunshine Coast. (3c)
- School sites are ready with safe work practices in place. Custodians are working daily at each school to ensure that we maintain the highest hygiene practices. School principals met with Dr. Geoff McKee, VCH MHO recently to review questions they had about process and protocols. (3e)