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Superintendent’s Report to the Board – April 2020

Circle of Care: Students 1.

Circle Of care: Students

  1. After reconnecting with staff after the spring break, our focus turned to connecting for personal and practical support with our students and their families. Connection will continue to be important particularly during this time of in-school classes being suspended for the near future. (1f)
  2. Teaching and support staff are developing strategies to support our students in the coming weeks and months in new ways. Learning opportunities will include a wide range of approaches. (1c, d, e)

Circle of Care: Staff

  1. Safe Work Practices” are being designed and implemented for all tasks required by staff and protocols for accessing work sites. (2a)
  2. Staff are mostly working from home at this time. We continue to work closely with CUPE and the SCTA to provide support to staff as we navigate these new working conditions. Staff on our “on call” lists have been contacted to let them know that call outs will be on hold for now and about their options for receiving support from government. CUPE members may need to be asked to take on new roles but will be trained for these new duties.(2a) 
  3. Principals, Counsellors, Student Support Services Teachers Indigenous Learning Team and District Staff are prioritizing vulnerable learners and planning for their learning and supports in collaboration with outside agencies where appropriate.  Community schools are working with schools and community to identify need in families for nutrition. (2c)

circle of care: Community

  1. Staff will communicate frequently with our students, staff and community. This includes extensive website information, email updates, the Educoaster, and ZOOM meetings. (3a)
  2. The Essential Services Workers childcare program begins this week with the children of Tier One families who need this support to be able to work. We expect to increase the opportunity for support in the weeks that follow.(3c)
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