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Strategic Plan Forums 2024

Dear SD46 Learning Community,


As you may know, the Board of Education is developing a new Strategic Plan to lead the district over the next five years. To begin this process, and with your help earlier this fall, the Board has established the Vision, Mission, and Values to guide this work (The Affirmation is currently unchanged), see below.


Now, we’re stepping into the second phase: shaping the Goal and Action Plan. Come Paddle with Us!  


As we journey together, we imagine students crossing the stage and embarking on their next stages of life. What skills and attributes do we want them to have developed, what dreams have we as an education system helped to foster and support and how does our Strategic Plan set direction for each student to flourish and succeed?


Save the date! We’re inviting staff and parents/caregivers to come together at each school, in person, for an opportunity to provide input to the Strategic Plan, see flyer below. Plus, there will be a survey rolling out soon for those who prefer to contribute that way. Feel free to participate in both, or whichever suits you best!


In this we journey together,


School District 46 – Sunshine Coast

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