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September Start Up

July 29, 2020

Dear Families of School District 46,

I hope this finds you very well and enjoying the summer.

The Ministry held a press conference today which outlined their direction to safely get back to in class learning this September.

We have many details to develop in our district prior to the start of school on September 8th, which our principals, managers and district staff will be doing later in August. There is very good information available for those who wish to go deeper with this information than this summary. Please see that at:

In summary:

We will be in Stage 2 as of September 8th. This means:

  • Full time instruction for all students within cohorts or, “Learning Groups” (e.g. up to 60 elementary students and their staff interacting in learning and breaks. Up to 120 secondary students circulating as a Learning Group through their subjects within the school). This is similar to a “school within a school” concept in which a particular group of students are associated with a specific group of staff. That “school” will learn and have breaks separately from the other Learning Groups.
  • No coming to school sick for students or staff.
  • Physical distancing measures practiced where possible. 
  • Masks:
    •  Re-useable masks will be available for everyone in schools/ districts but are not required
    •  Some staff/ students feel more comfortable wearing masks
    • Some situations may require masks or they may be recommended in some situations. We will have more guidance on this from the Public Health Officer.
  • Increased Ministry Investments
    •  To support Health and Safety and Education
      • Increased funding for frequency of cleaning and supplies
      • Masks for anyone who would like to use them or are advised to wear them
      • Hand hygiene facilities will be enhanced
      • Support for software purchases

The SD 46 family survey that many of you completed in June/ July provided important input that we will be working through this August as well.

You may have more questions and there are, indeed, many details to opening our schools this year. We don’t have all of the answers yet, but we do have important experience from opening in June that will be a good starting point for moving forward. Please consult the Ministry documents as their work is based on deep research, consultation within stakeholder groups, and the best public medical advice. Depending on your question, comment or concern, please reach out to your principal or manager. If you’re not sure to whom you want to address the question, please email and we will respond as best we can.



Patrick Bocking

Superintendent of Schools

Information Update: August 12, 2020

Orientation Week Ensures a Safe, Ready and Welcome Return to School: To ensure schools are ready to welcome students into classrooms Sept. 8-11, 2020, there will be a gradual restart to allow extra time to orient students and staff on the new health and safety measures in place. Please see this morning’s BC Ministry of Education’s news release for details.
