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Pride Month & Rainbow Flags!

Dear Sunshine Coast families,

I moved to the Sunshine Coast over nine years ago.  I immediately experienced the warmth and acceptance of our beautiful coastal community. I discovered quickly that gender identity, sexual orientation, differing levels of ability, background or religion are far less important to people here than being kind, generous and good. 

In 2013 the Board of School District 46 was one of a handful of school boards in British Columbia to officially embrace a sexual orientation policy. This was followed with a Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Regulation to ensure that each of our students and staff feels truly welcome, included and treated with respect and dignity. When every student and staff member feels safe and supported in healthy school cultures, they have greater academic and work success and better social well-being.

This year as we celebrate Pride Month we are very excited to be flying the rainbow flag at each of our schools for the month of June.

When you see the flags flying proudly you will know that you are a treasured part of our learning community exactly the way you are.

Happy Pride Month!


(Please click here for more information)

I am very pleased to recognize the people in the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) District Committee who support all of our students and staff, and who are responsible for this meaningful celebration and many other district SOGI initiatives. The SOGI committee includes students, teachers (SCTA), support staff (CUPE- 801), parents, principals, and district staff.

Patrick Bocking  

Superintendent of Schools

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