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Message to Families Regarding Air Quality

Dear families of Sunshine Coast students,

As you are no doubt aware, our region currently has an air quality advisory due to wildfire smoke from active fires in Washington and Oregon. Our school district has been closely monitoring the situation and communicating with other school districts as well.

Our schools will limit smoke exposure for staff and students by:

  • Allowing students who are sensitive to the smoke to remain indoors during lunch/breaks;
  • Closing exterior doors and windows;
  • Rescheduling outdoor activities, particularly strenuous activities like PE;
  • Closely monitor students with asthma or other breathing conditions.
  • Closing doors and windows and utilizing filtered ventilation systems during the health warning.

All of our schools will continue implementing COVID-19 infection control practices, including maintaining health checks, regular hand washing, remaining in assigned learning groups/cohorts and physical distancing.

Please be assured that the health and safety of our staff and students remains our first priority.



Patrick Bocking  

Superintendent of Schools

School District 46 – Sunshine Coast
