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Message from the Chair – September 2024

In June we focus on our value of celebration and there are many opportunities to practice and demonstrate our value of celebration this month. One of the celebrations that has become increasingly important during my time on the Board is Pride. And June is Pride month!

Submitted by Chair Amanda Amaral

September 11, 2024

Welcome to the 2024/25 school year! Last week, we launched our new 2024-2029 strategic plan, “Paddling Towards Irresistible Futures,” and opened our doors to students, staff, and the broader learning community. A special welcome to all new staff and students joining us for the first time, and a warm “hello again” to those returning for another year. We are so happy to have you all here with us!


The Sunshine Coast Board of Education is committed to focusing our daily practices, actions, and efforts on one aspirational student learning goal, guided by our four core values: belonging, learning, integrity, and equity. The launch of the strategic plan marked a new direction from day one, and you may have noticed that the first day of school was dedicated to professional development. This was intentional, providing our staff the opportunity to come together, prepare, and set the stage for a year of transformational growth and deep learning before welcoming our cherished learners back into the classroom.


As you settle into our classrooms and routines for the year, we hope you notice the changes we’ve made in our approach to learning and education. As we implement the new strategic plan, we paddle with intention, but we are also navigating uncharted waters. Our success in implementing the plan will come through studying, doing, and practicing, just like all the students in the learning community. We will need your feedback, encouragement, and wisdom to achieve competency and mastery. Stay engaged, stay in touch, and we look forward to a wonderful 2024/25 school year together!

Amanda Amaral 



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