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Message from the Chair – September 2023

In June we focus on our value of celebration and there are many opportunities to practice and demonstrate our value of celebration this month. One of the celebrations that has become increasingly important during my time on the Board is Pride. And June is Pride month!

Submitted by Chair Amanda Amaral

September 13, 2023

Welcome to the 2023/24 school year. In the last week we have opened our doors and students, staff, and our learning community have returned to our buildings. For some, this is the first day of school with our district and for others this is beginning of their last year with us. Regardless of where you are in your educational and learning journey, we are so pleased you have joined us!


With the beginning of this school year, we also launch our strategic planning process. This will result in the fifth strategic plan for the Sunshine Coast Board of Education. The Board is so excited about the opportunity for consultation and to co-develop of this new plan with you. While we are working on creating our new plan you will notice some changes in our communications plan and reporting schedule; these changes allow for us to focus on the work of strategic planning and report out on key aspects of student achievement. You will also notice a few extra board meetings. The intention of these meetings is to offer additional time and focus to the work of strategic planning. In the coming weeks you will be invited to share your thoughts and reflections about our vision, mission, affirmation and values. We hope you will join us for the conversation!



Another change this fall is the departure of Trustee Haines. She has served five years as a trustee and has contributed greatly to our work as a Board. Her resignation from the Board triggers a by-election and in the coming months we will welcome a new trustee to the table. We thank Trustee Haines for her service to our community and wish her well as she settles into life on the East Coast. 

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