After a short hiatus, the Board is eager to get back to work. Our staff, of course, have been busy behind the scenes, keeping everything running like clock-work. This month’s agenda-setting was chock-full of reports and items for discussion and updates for the board. Luckily, through our communications plan, which follows our values and goals as set out in the new Strategic Plan, we are able to see what goes where and when.
We also get a bird’s eye view of our strategic plan, over a full year spread at the back of our Committee of the Whole agenda. The board evaluates the communication plan regularly to make sure that any emergent items can find a place. You’ll see this broken down each month on the Board Meeting agenda, as our last item, in a singular more detailed version.
But of course, September is the start of our year, so the items list is heavily stacked. All the more so this year, as we have so many new items to introduce: the overview of the Strategic Plan, the new Web-Site launch and our new Branding, the Audit presentation, updates on last year’s items progress, the introduction of our new District Student Leadership Team Members and of course, the inauguration of our new Student Trustee.
Lastly, something important to note is the change in committee meeting times. In an attempt to utilize committee, staff and community member’s time, we have consolidated our committee meetings into one day. Operations, Committee of the Whole, and Education will be held on the 4th Tuesday of every month. Policy Committee will now become a standing item in Committee of the Whole. We hope this will encourage more voices to the table and help with scheduling.
Happy new year, everyone!