Submitted by Chair Amanda Amaral
March 13, 2024
Practicing personal responsibility, respect and honesty.
As we consulted on our values in the fall we heard over and over how much personal responsibility and accountability are important in the work that we do. The values we selected are not just for the board but for all staff, students and those working with the Sunshine Coast School District. Our values will guide our decision making and help us prioritize. This month we examine our value of integrity. Integrity is about the choices we make, even when others are not there to witness the choice. Integrity can mean making the less convenient choice, the one that is more work, the one that may involve personal sacrifice, the one that may be unpopular.
Practicing is an important part of our definition. To create integrity, we need to practice it each day, at each decision point and demonstrate integrity in all of our interactions with others in our schools and in our communities. Sometimes we will fail, sometimes there will be room for improvement, sometimes we try again, however, we try again tomorrow, we incorporate our learning and we do better.
Personal responsibility and respect introduce the idea that we create integrity by each member of the learning community taking responsibility to manage their behaviour, thoughts, actions and choices first. Integrity starts with the individual. Integrity starts with you. When we all practice integrity personally it makes light work of practicing it as an organization.
Respect and honesty are two essential ingredients for integrity. The ones we heard were most important to you and we agreed on their importance.
In the month of March, the seasons shift and we officially welcome spring. We can start to see the end of the school year on the horizon. We wish everyone a wonderful spring break, time to relax and recharge, and we are looking forward to welcoming you back in April.
Amanda Amaral