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Message from the Chair – March 2021

Collaboration & Equity: We create meaningful connections through our work together. This month we focus our work and attention as a board on our values of collaboration and equity. March is full of many important days that focus on equity such as, International Women’s Day, International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination and International Transgender Day of Visibility.

Collaboration & Equity: We create meaningful connections through our work together. This month we focus our work and attention as a board on our values of collaboration and equity. March is full of many important days that focus on equity such as, International Women’s Day, International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination and International Transgender Day of Visibility. These days provide an opportunity to recognize the unique circumstances that minority groups experience and to seek to understand more about what we can all to do to create equity for these groups.

Our district is engaged in work that focuses on equity for staff and students through collaboration. We started the month of March with the first meeting of the Anti-Poverty Ad Hoc Committee. Our meeting was rich with discussion that explored how the values of collaboration and equity can help tackle the challenge of poverty for our students. It is exciting to see the work of the board in action.  We look forward to continuing the public dialogue about the impact of poverty on our students’ education.

Our evaluation of equity in our district has started with a three-year equity scan which we are developing in partnership with the Indigenous Education Advisory Committee and the Ministry of Education. This scan engages our stakeholder groups and provides an opportunity to put our value of collaboration and equity into practice. We look forward to the information collection process just as much as the results; by working together we continue to create meaningful connections.

Our trustees have been busy with their work at BCSTA, BCPSEA, committee meetings and professional development. Many trustees have submitted reports for review in our meeting package. I am excited to share the various initiatives our board is involved with.

March also provides a pause with Spring Break. Students and Staff look forward to the change in schedule and although it may look different for many of us this Spring Break, we do hope that everyone has the opportunity to enjoy the change in pace and hopefully sunshine and warmer temperatures!
