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Message from the Chair – June 2024

In June we focus on our value of celebration and there are many opportunities to practice and demonstrate our value of celebration this month. One of the celebrations that has become increasingly important during my time on the Board is Pride. And June is Pride month!

Submitted by Chair Amanda Amaral

June 12, 2024

June brings the end of the school year. An opportunity to celebrate our accomplishments, reflect on our journey and take rest before we start to paddle again together in September. This year we have much to celebrate and reflect on; we have accomplished so much on our journey this year!

Congratulations Class of 2024! We wish you all the best in your next phase of life and we are proud to have been part of your educational journey.

Congratulations to the retirees of 2024! Thank you for your service to the Sunshine Coast School District. We are better because of the contributions you made to our learning community.

Congratulations to all the students in our learning community for completing the 2023/24 school year. Your growth and development this past year has been incredible. We hope you are proud of your efforts and excited to continue on your learning journey in 2024/25!

Reflecting on the 2023/24 school year, has been an acknowledgement of this year being a time of great growth and transition for us. As we journeyed in the creation of a new strategic plan, we learned so much about one another and focused on moving into the future in a brand-new way. This strategic plan is a marked departure from our previous plans. You will notice an updated mission, vision and affirmation, along with four values to guide our decision making, and one aspirational learning goal that focuses all of our work in one direction. What you are unlikely to notice immediately, is that the plan was co-developed with champions from our learning community. Although a strategic plan is the work of the board, we departed from common practice and turned over the development of the action plan to those deeply impacted by the plan: teachers, educators, parents, education assistants, support staff, along with significant impact from students in our learning community. We are certain that this plan, and this approach to planning, will have an obvious and positive impact on our district for the next five years and beyond. Thank you to all who contributed through focus groups, surveys or participating in the writing team. In this we journey together!

As we pause our paddling and come into shore for the season, the Sunshine Coast Board of Education wishes everyone in our learning community a wonderful summer rest. We look forward to welcoming everyone back into our schools in September along with a new class of kindergarten learners as we embark upon another journey together with new paddlers and the renewed energy of the 2024-2029 strategic plan.

Amanda Amaral 


Click on the link  here to view the SD46 Strategic Plan 2024-2029.

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