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Message from the Chair – June 2023

In June we focus on our value of celebration and there are many opportunities to practice and demonstrate our value of celebration this month. One of the celebrations that has become increasingly important during my time on the Board is Pride. And June is Pride month!

Submitted by Chair Amanda Amaral

June 14, 2023

In June we focus on our value of celebration and there are many opportunities to practice and demonstrate our value of celebration this month.  One of the celebrations that has become increasingly important during my time on the Board is Pride. And June is Pride month!

Pride month was not always a celebration, it started as a protest and over the years, and with victories to celebrate, it evolved to the Pride celebration we experience today. A celebration of love, inclusion and diversity.

Although many of us look forward to celebrating Pride month and celebrating how far Canada has come in recognizing the human rights and ensuring the dignity of those members of our community that identify as 2SLGBTQI+ we are mistaken to think that our work is over and it’s all celebration from here on out. Canada still has work to do to ensure the full inclusion of 2SLGBTQI+ citizens and we at SD46 are part of that work.

Having 2SLGBTQI+ rights protected in law is important and significant progress towards equity and inclusion; unfortunately, not every Canadian agrees this is best for Canada. Many opposed to inclusion and diversity for 2SLGBTQI+ citizens state that they understand and agree human rights are important; where the problem rests is when we talk about it or take tangible action to support it. However, the problem with just being happy for ourselves, and heading the wishes of some to celebrate elsewhere, is that our silence and inaction tells our children and youth that diversity and inclusion are not important. Recognizing Pride month, raising the Pride flag, teaching diversity and inclusion in our schools and having books that tell queers stories or have queer characters in our libraries tell our students that their experience is important. Celebrating Pride saves lives.

As we continue to journey towards inclusion and diversity let’s find more ways to champion equity, diversity and inclusion with open hearts and open minds. There is space for everyone and we all belong here.

From the end of the school year celebrations, to graduation and retirements, congratulations! We wish staff, students and community a wonderful summer break and we look forward to coming back in September!
