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Message from the Chair – June 2020

I would like to begin this report by once again thanking those in our district who have gone above and beyond in keeping our education system moving through-out the last few months. Hopefully many have seen the ‘Thank You’ that we Trustees placed in the Coast Reporter last week as a token of our appreciation.

I would like to begin this report by once again thanking those in our district who have gone above and beyond in keeping our education system moving through-out the last few months.  Hopefully many have seen the ‘Thank You’ that we Trustees placed in the Coast Reporter last week as a token of our appreciation.  I would like to say that the struggle is over, and at month-end, our district and the world will be sitting back and enjoying their well-deserved summer break… But I cannot.  Much more work is to be done to set up for the ‘new normal’ coming in September.  Much like the oxygen on an airplane, though, we must make sure that our own needs are met.  And by we… I mean you.  Each and everyone of you! Do try to take some time for yourselves, and just enjoy some small respite when you can.

On the subject of recognition, it was with great sadness that we were unable to have our usual year-end celebrations: our Donor and Scholarship Thank You Tea, our Service Recognition Reception, our Retirement Dinner, and of course our Graduation Ceremonies. As noted from Superintendent Bocking, staff are working hard on bringing the latter to life, even if only virtual.  The other celebrations will have to wait for safer times, but much like the Thank You to staff in the paper, KNOW that we see you and we thank you for your contributions over the years!

Many things have been accomplished over the last month, however.  Setting up our in-class learning as we enter Stage 3 of the Minister’s re-opening school’s plan has been a remarkable feat.   It warms my heart to hear children laughing and playing once again.  As trustees, we remain behind the screen in the virtual world.  Not for long, mind you.  “Do as I say, not as I do” is not an option in this district.  At our committee meetings later this month, we will be inviting trustees and staff to come to the school board, if they so wish.  Thankfully, with all the technology we have learned over the last few months, those who wish to stay home will still have the ability of joining in.

Zoom meetings are still a big part of our world, however.  Some opening opportunities once thought next to impossible.  One such meeting was held last month: our South Coast Branch Meeting.  Our ‘Branch’ of BCSTA districts consists of SD46, Sunshine Coast, SD47, Powell River and SD48, Sea-to-Sky.   In addition to updates from and networking with our extended family, elections were held.   I would like to congratulate our very own Vice-Chair Leech for taking on the position as our Branch President!  I would also like to thank Trustee Amaral for helping organize the meeting as well as for once again taking on the role as Branch Secretary!  I myself remain in the role as the Professional Learning Committee Representative, and look forward to another year of working with such an amazing team!

New ways of doing and being are ahead of us as we venture into the unknown.  But as we reflect, we realize that the future is always the unknown… and we got this.  And by we, I mean all of us.  Chin-Chin Sway… We Are All in This Together.

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