With all the craziness of the last few weeks, I find writing about the activities of the Board a little daunting. Yes, we have been kept in the know, we have been a part of the virtual meetings and have made sure that despite delving into the unknown, the district’s goals, values, and of course, policies, are being adhered to. Having already set in place these guidelines through our Strategic Plan, I honestly feel that our district has the navigational needs it requires.
I have seen first-hand the teachers and staff stepping up in this crisis. Getting things done. In the midst of all this chaos, the first day after Spring Break no less, I managed to lock myself out of my laptop. District Principal of Technology, Phil Luporini couldn’t fix my issue over the phone, so we agreed to meet at the school closest to me, as he was there ‘making deliveries’… There he was, gloved hands and computer cleaner wipes at the ready… Six feet apart rules. He tried to work on my issue, but there were teachers and support staff needing his attention. He was at the school to drop off much needed supplies to support our new learning environments. Technology needed to make this impossible task possible. My needs were not as important as the staff’s. I made arrangements to retrieve my laptop at a later time. It was not my only source of technology… I could do without it for now. The next evening, he arrived at my door with my laptop all fixed. He was in the area anyways, dropping off more equipment for those who needed it. In the evening.
Going above and beyond is what our district does. Facebook is ‘a-twitter’ with questions and uncertainty; I see our district’s people: staff, parents, students, standing up and speaking out with confidence and determination. Yes, we are working on this on the fly… No, this isn’t a perfect situation. We are all working on this together.
I am so proud of this district! Excellence in ALL we do!