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Flags at Half-Mast

September 9th, 2021 SD46 Announcement

We will lower all flags starting today until September 30th. The flags will be half-mast for an extended period of time because the mourning of, the reflection on and the still pause for the experiences that children endured in residential schools commands is more than a day.

Education and schools were a tool used as an attempt to erase the culture, spirituality and language of Indigenous children. Education is now a key tool in helping all Canadians learn about the experiences of Indigenous students and supporting us on our restorative journey towards truth and reconciliation. School Districts have a crucial and necessary role in taking responsibility for using our roles as educators in a restorative way. At SD46, we continue to consult and walk alongside our partners of the Skwxwú7mesh Úxwumixw and the shíshálh Nation. During the month of September, while the flags remain haft-masted, we enter a time of deep reflection, care for others, care for ourselves and learning.

Moreover, to mark the Firefighter’s National Memorial Day, flags will be at half-mast Sunday, September 12th from sunrise until sunset.

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