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Covid-19 Health and Safety Updates – February 2022

February 22, 2022

Dear SD46 Learning Community,

Following the winter break and a delayed start, we returned to school with increased BC Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health measures as we faced the more transmissible Covid-19 Omicron variant. The efforts to keep one another safe, to support one another when times were tough, and to show compassion for one another through it all are a testament to our remarkable learning community. My heart is full as I witness the dedication and determination of SD46 staff to provide rich in-person learning and connection for our children and youth during this challenging time. I am writing to you today with gratitude and with updates with respect to Covid-19 protocols.

On Friday, February 18th, the BCCDC removed the Addendum to the Provincial Covid-19 Communicable Disease Guidelines for K-12 settings which had been in place since the return to school in January. The following outlines how this impacts our district and what to expect in our schools going forward:

Here are the changes of note:

Staff Only Gatherings and Spaces

·      Staff-only gatherings (e.g., staff meetings, in-service and professional development activities) may be held in-person, respecting room occupancy limits and using available space to spread people out.

·      Staff are permitted to gather in staff-only spaces (e.g., break rooms, school office), respecting room occupancy limits and using available space to spread out.

School Gatherings & Events

·      For school gatherings and events that bring together multiple classes or other groupings of students (e.g., school assemblies, multiple classes doing a single activity) from the same school (but members of the school community beyond staff, students and necessary volunteers are not attending), there is not a specific capacity limit.

·      For school extracurricular and social gatherings and events that bring together members of the school community beyond staff, students and necessary volunteers (e.g., an arts club performance, community fair), or that occur between schools (e.g., a music festival, a sports game or tournament), indoor capacity will not exceed 50 people or 50% of operating capacity (whichever is greater).

•       For indoor spaces without a defined operating capacity, schools will determine a capacity limit that is at most half the number of individuals that would be within the space for that activity or event if prevention measures weren’t in place.

·      Spectators (e.g., parents, caregivers, peers), may be present for gatherings and events (e.g., attend performance club theatre productions, inter-school sports games and tournaments, etc.) within capacity limits.

•       SD46 is reviewing spectators for indoor sports at the elementary school level.  

·      Schools will not implement proof of vaccination requirements for school-led gatherings and events.


Visitors are welcome! To keep our spaces as safe as possible and to avoid crowding, we encourage visitors to only enter schools for pre-arranged meetings or activities. Visitors are required to follow health and safety guidelines and sign in at the office.

All other protocols and measures continue to remain in place.

The province’s protective measures in place right now, including the K-12 Guidelines, are set to be reviewed again by March 15th and April 12th. We will continue to keep our learning community informed as new information becomes available.

International Travel and Return to School

With Spring Break approaching, I would like to remind families/caregivers who are planning to travel to please consult the recently updated Federal Guidelines for advice on your family situation.

It is the responsibility of parents/caregivers and families to know and understand the federal and provincial guidelines and regulations before they decide to travel. SD46 follows the regulations in the links listed above.

As has served us well throughout the pandemic, we will move gradually, and with care. Please expect communication from your school principal regarding any additional specifics.


Kate Kerr 

Superintendent of Schools

School District 46 – Sunshine Coast




