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Active Travel

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Get to school your way!

We want students, families, and staff to be enabled to ride, walk, and roll to school more often. Even walking part way (‘Drive to 5’) or changing one travel trip per week is a great step! 
Active Travel to school has many benefits.  It improves students’ health, well-being, and academic achievement.  It also reduces traffic volume, congestion, air pollution and climate change impacts.  And Active Travel creates opportunities for friendship, a sense of belonging and healthy independence.

Whether you ride, walk, or roll, please:

  • Travel together (We recommend all Kindergarten to Grade 3 student be adult supervised.);
  • Follow the rules of the road, and;
  • If you’re wheeled – please wear a helmet.  

Thank you for your support – Let’s Go SD46!

Partner Organizations

  • Bike Sense: The FREE 7th Edition ‘How-to Guide for Cycling in BC’ online 
  • HUB Cycling: Free web-based course for 9-12 year olds on basic cycling safety
  • TraC: A Local advocacy group and Active Travel supporters


Active Travel

Active Travel Week Starts September 28th!

This school year due to COVID-19 and physical distancing recommendations, students are encouraged to walk or cycle to school.

From September 28 to October 4th, Transportation Choices Sunshine Coast (TraC) will be organizing Active Transportation Week with fun school and community-based events that get people out of their cars and moving. Schools and families can participate by informally organizing walking school buses or bike trains, and kids can use sidewalk chalk to decorate their favourite routes to school. 

The District of Sechelt has committed to extra road sweeping and maintenance to ensure that road shoulders and bike lanes are in good shape for students cycling to local schools. SD46 is also piloting a map with several schools that identifies the safest routes to school which will be available later in the fall following consultations with local parents. 

Walking and cycling to school has the double bonus of promoting children’s health while reducing carbon emissions at the same time. For more information visit or contact TraC at

Helpful links to get you started:


Active Kids are Healthy Kids

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