The District Student Leadership Team (DSLT) for School District 46 is very pleased to present Chatelech Secondary School student Abby Grunenberg as Student Trustee for the Board for the 2020/ 2021 school year.
The Board of Education’s Strategic Plan includes as its first goal, “Our students’ voices will be respectfully heard and acted upon.”
Abby Grunenberg is the 8th Student Trustee in the District’s history. She is sure to continue the rich legacy of having an influential student voice at the Board table on the Sunshine Coast. For further information on student voice in School District 46 please see Regulation 1290, Student Leadership.
In order to properly support the student trustee, the district has established a District Student Leadership Team (DSLT), which includes students from all of the high schools. This team helps the student trustee to understand issues that are relevant and important to the district’s student body and to provide a venue for student discussion and support. The DSLT meets monthly with the Superintendent of Schools, and Secondary Principals and Vice-Principals. The DSLT is selected at the end of the year through an application and interview process. Students hold a seat on the DSLT in both grade 11 and 12 and elect the grade 12 student trustee at the final meeting in June.
“The opportunity to impact future students is an honour, and I am proud to represent the diverse students of SD46. I look forward to working with the other trustees to improve students’ experiences,” commented Abby.
Board Chair Pammila Ruth stated her belief in the student voice, “Students in our district have perspectives that the rest of us simply don’t. Having a clear student voice at the board table allows us to hear that perspective in a very special way and greatly improves our decisions and directions. We are very excited to welcome Abby to the Board in the year ahead!”