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Superintendent’s Report to the Board – February 2020

Circle of Care: Students 1. The Early Years Fair is coming! a. Face painting, dress up, petting zoo, community groups and more. b. The book, Sometimes I feel like a fox, is being celebrated as a theme. (1b, 3c)

Circle Of care: Students

  1. The Early Years Fair is coming! Face painting, dress up, petting zoo, community groups and more. The book, Sometimes I feel like a fox, is being celebrated as a theme. (1b, 3c)
  2. Student will have access to more ebooks and audio books through a district-wide access point. (1d)
  3. Literacy week: All schools were actively supporting student engagement and joy in reading including projects from The Magnificent Thing book (1d)
  4. Moosehide Campaign – February 24th, 2020
    District Principal Mahlman has ordered 2000 Moosehide pieces for distribution within our learning communities. (1f) The Moose Hide Campaign is a grassroots movement of Indigenous and non-Indigenous men and boys who are standing up against violence towards women and children. Wearing this moose hide signifies your commitment to honour, respect, and protect the women and children in your life and to work together to end violence against women and children.
  5. All grade 10 students will participate in the Blanket Exercises over the next two months to support their understanding of Indigenous history in Canada. (1h)
  6. A group of SD46 students will be visiting the Skwxwu7mesh Trades Centre to understand the many career opportunities that students can pursue. (1l)

Circle of Care: Staff

  1. Violent Threat Risk Assessment training for student support teachers, school counsellors, principals and district staff took place. VTRA ensures that processes are in place to support all of our students in challenging situations. Fair notice was provided to the community. (2b)
  2. The SCTA has developed a comprehensive Professional Development day on the February 14th Pro D Day centred at Davis Bay Elementary School. Staff will participate in over a dozen presentations and workshops that will support environmental education in our schools. (2b)
  3. Shelley Moore is an extremely well-respected expert in inclusive education. She is working with our staff to support our journey of ensuring that each of our students achieves their goals. This past month saw over ninety educators enthusiastically participating in her sessions. (2c, 2d)

circle of care: Community

  1. School Supplies Survey (3a). The Board of Education requested a thorough survey of staff, parents and students regarding their interest in the district continuing to pay for school supplies at the high school level. The online survey of parents and staff indicates that 77% would prefer that the practice continue. The survey of students indicated that 93% would prefer that the practice continue.
  2. The Technical Department is developing a a disaster recovery plan for the district’s information systems. Strategies will be further developed to ensure that our data is secure in the event of a significant breakdown in our infrastructure. (3e)
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