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Accessibility in School District 46 | Sunshine Coast

In the spring of 2023, School District 46 created an Accessibility Advisory Committee for the purpose of exploring accessibility needs throughout the district, with a goal of developing a long-term plan to address these concerns.


The committee is continuously seeking feedback that will allow us to better understand the needs of individuals who may be impacted by a disability that impacts their ability to participate fully and equitably in the opportunities and environments in schools.


We are wanting to consider disability from a broad lens – not just physical access, but individuals who have sensory, cognitive, mental health, or other needs as well.


We have developed an Accessibility Survey in order to gather information from children, families and staff who either have a disability, or support an individual with a disability. The survey form is available at the bottom of this page.


The Accessible British Columbia Act aims to support the identification, prevention, and removal of barriers that people with disabilities face in their day-to-day lives.


Key themes of the act:

  • Breaking down barriers.
  • Advancing human rights.
  • Promoting fairness and equity.

Themes specific to Education:

  • Increased visibility of those with disabilities.
  • Public education campaigns to include those with disabilities in the education system.
  • Development of targeted education and training programs.
  • Increased integration in schools.
  • Focus on accessibility, empathy and sensitivity training.

The committee will follow the structure outlined in the Accessible British Columbia Act, with 5 to 10 members. Committee membership will reflect the diversity of persons with disabilities in British Columbia and the diverse backgrounds and experiences of staff, students, community partner groups, and residents with children and/or youth in SD46- Sunshine Coast. The committee will be chaired by the Director of Instruction for Inclusive Education, Christa Rive.


  • Disability: The state of being unable to participate fully and equally in society as a result of the interaction between an impairment and a barrier.
  • Impairment: A physical, sensory, mental, intellectual, or cognitive limitation, whether permanent, temporary, or episodic.
  • Inclusion: “An attitude and approach that embraces diversity and differences and promotes equal opportunities for all. Inclusion is not just about people with disabilities. When our communities include and embrace everyone, we are ALL better able to reach our full potential.”  – Inclusion BC
  • Accessibility: The state of having programs, services, and environments that allow all individuals to participate fully in society without encountering barriers.
  • Barrier: Anything that prevents a person with a disability from fully participating in all aspects of society because of their disability. This includes architectural, attitudinal, information, communications, policy or practice, and technological barriers.

Meeting Schedule

Meetings for the 2024-2025 school year will take place as follows:

  • Tuesday, October 1st, 2024
  • Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024
  • Tuesday, February 4th, 2025
  • Tuesday, April 1st, 2025

Scope of Work 

  • Provide input into the development of an accessibility plan based on the principles of Inclusion, Adaptability, Diversity, Collaboration, Self-Determination, and Universal Design.
  • Provide input into SD46’s barriers to accessibility such as attitudinal, physical, sensory, information and communication, systemic and technology issues.
  • Review feedback from the SD46 engagement platform.
  • Provide information to the Superintendent’s office on the school district’s accessibility plan. Provide information to the Superintendent’s office on rolling out the Accessible British Columbia Act and of the school district’s work on accessibility.

We welcome your feedback!

School District 46- Sunshine Coast wants to know the specific barriers people with disabilities face when they are trying to: 

  • Access a school district program, building or information.
  • Receive a service or support. 

We would also like to hear about accessibility features in the district that are working well. 

Use this form to describe experiences and make recommendations on how barriers can be removed or improved upon: 

*Paper versions of the survey are available at each school location upon request.

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