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Welcome, we are SD46

SD46 A Family Growing

What SD46

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Vision: A thriving and inclusive community of lifelong learners.


Mission: Nurturing each learner’s academic, physical, social, and emotional growth, inspiring joy in learning and strengthening their sense of personal and cultural identity, dignity and purpose for their lifelong journey.


Affirmation: The Sunshine Coast Board of Education affirms its commitment to Indigenous Peoples and Truth and Reconciliation by building relationships and deepening understanding of Indigenous histories, worldviews, and ways of knowing.


Sunshine Coast School District provides public education to over 3,400 students and is supported by 600 dedicated staff in the picturesque coastal regions of the lower Sunshine Coast, British Columbia, Canada.


Our district is dedicated to fostering a nurturing, safe, and inclusive environment that honours the diversity of our educational community. We focus on delivering impactful learning experiences for all students and staff, working closely with families, First Nations, community organizations, and various associations.


With nine elementary schools, four secondary schools, and a variety of progressive programs, SD46 offers a comprehensive educational experience.


To learn more about SD46’s commitment to enhancing student learning, please click here.

SD46 Kindergarten and General Student Registration

Registering your child for kindergarten? CLICK HERE for all the details and to get started.  
Registering your child in Grade 1 – 12 at an SD46 school? CLICK HERE to begin the online registration.
Welcome to Sunshine Coast School District 46!

Active Travel

Ride, Walk & Roll to school/work and make a great choice for your health and the environment. For more information visit our dedicated active travel page! #GoActive


Erase is all about building safe and caring school communities. This includes empowering students, parents, educators and the community partners who support them to get help with challenges, report concerns to schools, and learn about complex issues facing students. MORE DETAILS


Foundry offers free and confidential mental health care, substance use supports, physical and sexual health care, youth and family peer support and employment and education services for BC youth aged 12-24. No referrals or assessments required. 

Foundry Virtual BC recognizes the need to provide easily accessible services to youth and families/caregivers by offering virtual service through video, audio, and chat options. 

Download the new Foundry BC app! LEARN MORE HERE

SD46 Professional Development Hub

We are excited to share the launch of our district’s Professional Learning Hub!  This informative site will host information for upcoming professional development opportunities within the district as well as other virtual and in-person training opportunities around the province.  

Be sure to “☆ Follow” the site to stay up to date with the exciting things happening in our district!


E3 Online Atlas

Explore, Educate, Experience
Lessons outside on the Sunshine Coast
Find and share locations and ideas to help you and your class to get outside. 
Visit our Google Maps Site to get started! 

Sunshine Coast Family of Community Schools​

Sunshine Coast Community Schools are committed to supporting and improving student learning and to strengthening individuals, families, and vibrant, healthy communities by providing quality programs, lifelong learning opportunities, and connections to school and community resources.

The Community Schools secure grants and external funding to provide valuable programs, services and activities in and out of school time to address nutritional, physical, social and emotional well-being.  Community Schools enhance the work of both School District 46 and our communities by offering site-specific community-based programs as well as regional programs that benefit the entire Sunshine Coast.

Community School Coordinator Contact Information:

  • Sechelt Community Schools (Davis Bay/Kinnikinnick/West Sechelt) | Ted Chisholm  
  • Gibsons Community School (Gibsons/ Elphinstone/ Langdale | Sue Wilson 
  • Chatelech Community School | Justine Gabias
  • Halfmoon Bay Community School | Wendy White 
  • Pender Community School (Madeira Park/ Pender Harbour) | Cheyenne Howitt
  • Roberts Creek Community School (Roberts Creek/ Cedar Grove) |  Alexis Bach

United Way of BC

Through the generous support of the United Way British Columbia and in partnership with the Roberts Creek Community School Association, and community schools across the coast, we are able to offer the School’s Out and Future Leaders programs. 

The School’s Out program is designed to support a smooth transition to secondary school.  In the spring before transitioning to secondary, Grade 6 or 7 students in every elementary school are invited to sign up for a 6 week after school sports or arts series held once a week in their local secondary school.  Students are able to become familiar with the school buildings and the secondary teachers and administrators.  They are able to learn about school routines, have their questions answered, and have fun with friends. 

The Future Leaders program supports senior secondary students to work in the School’s Out program, providing peer mentorship and support.  With this support, students are able to enter their new secondary school feeling connected to the building, the teachers, principals and some of the older student ‘buddies’.